Special Olympics 2007

Ideanco has made a branding proposal for the Special Olympics of 2007 in Shanghai, China and even though our proposed Brand was not selected for the event, nonetheless we are proud of the proposal we have made and therefore pleased to highlight its key attributes.

The branding was made around the Plum Blossom which has been proposed as one of the National Flowers of the People’s Republic of China. The Plum Blossom is the symbol of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity because plum blossoms often bloom most vibrantly even amidst the harsh winter snow. The plum tree can usually grow for a long time and ancient trees are found throughout China (some dating as far back as 1,600 years ago and are still flowering). The three stamens represent Three Principles of the People, while the five petals symbolize the five branches of the government.

The event which was hosted by the city of Shanghai was very successful and saw multiple of Nations participating with thousands of Special Need Athletes competing for the honor in 25 Olympic sports events. The athletes were able to meet their counterparts from different parts of the world to share their cultures and display their unique abilities in spite of their physical disabilities or handicaps.

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